
Evaluation Questionnaire | Long Island Heart

LIH | Evaluation Questionnaire
(1-Not Likely to 10-Very Likely)
I attest that I have completed this educational activity in its entirety and understand the learning objectives presented in the activity. *
Were faculty disclosures made prior to the start of the CME activity? *

Since completing the CME activity, please rate whether the following educational objectives were met.

Review the current epidemiology, diagnosis, pathogenesis, and treatment of cardiovascular disease *
Integrate the current and emerging diagnostic and pharmacologic therapies for cardiovascular disease into clinical practice *
Review the strategies and challenges related to the management of cardiovascular disease *
Discuss the impact of diagnostic and treatment strategies on patient outcomes in cardiovascular disease *

Please rate the projected impact of this activity on your knowledge, competence, performance, and patient outcomes:

This activity increased my knowledge. *
This activity increased my competence. *
This activity increased my performance. *
This activity increased my patient outcomes. *
Do you feel the activity was scientifically sound and free of commercial bias or influence? *

Please identify how you will change your practice as a result of attending this activity.

This activity validated my current practice. No changes will be made. *
Create/revise protocols, policies, and/or procedures *
Change the management and/or treatment of my patients *
Please indicate any barriers you perceive in implementing these changes. *
Will you attempt to address these barriers in order to implement changes in your competence, performance, and/or patients' outcomes? *
The content of this activity matched my current (or potential) scope of practice. *

Please rate the faculty:

Speakers were knowledgeable regarding the content. *
Presentations were balanced, objective, and scientifically rigorous. *
Speakers' presentations and teaching skills were effective. *
What is your overall evaluation of this CME activity? *